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Compost-Cotton Bur Acidified, 2cubic feet


This compost is an excellent source for improving soil structure, retaining soil moisture, breaking up clay soils, and aerating soil.

*A great choice for alkaline soils that have acid-loving plants such as Azaleas and blueberries.


Mulching:   Spread 1" to 3" deep around the base of trees, shrubs, and plants.  Mulch should be kept away from the stems of tender seedlings, and a few inches from the trunks of trees and shrubs.

Flower beds and vegetable gardens:   Spread 2"-3" deep over an area to be planted and till into a depth of 6"-8", or lightly rake the product into the top 2" soil.  If the area has already been planted, spread 1/2" to 1" over the soil around plants.  Water in thoroughly after application.

Trees and shrubs:   Apply 1" layer from trunk to drip line and water in.  Keep a few inches of clearance from the trunk.

Cotton burr compost performs best when mixed with the soil.  Back to Nature does not recommend using this product straight or in soil-less mixes.  This product contains NO chemicals, insects, weeds, or harmful pathogens.